
Perfect Skincare Routine During Menopause

Menopause is the phase of life when a female body undergoes numerous changes in terms of hormonal fluctuation. These hormonal imbalances are in turn associated with various vital organs of the body. The changes are significantly visible on female skin. In this blog, we will be elaborating, some of the significant changes that a female skin can experience during menopause and what measures should be followed during that period to keep the skin healthy and glowing.

Let us talk about the major changes that one can witness during menopause:

A decrease in collagen production: There is a tremendous reduction in collagen production during menopause, which can lead to loss of volume and fat under the skin and as a result, the skin's elasticity drops eventually. This is further combined with dryness and can cause sagging skin especially around the neck, jawline, and cheeks areas, and also result in the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Estradiol hormone is one of the major culprits that accelerates the process of aging of the skin. Further, if someone intakes more sugar or increased sun exposure and regularly smokes during the pre-menopause stage can experience more collagen loss during menopause.

Elastin loss: During menopause, the skin elasticity also reduces as there is less production of elastin and this leads to increased skin sagging during menopause.

Dryness: During menopause the water holding capacity of the skin reduces. As a result, it becomes dry and also leads to increased itching, and increases the chances of photo-damage.

Dullness: With aging the cell turnover and cell exfoliation rate reduces. This leads to increased accumulation of dead skin cells making it appear dull and damaged.

Hair thinning: With increasing age women can experience increased hair loss or hair thinning, which is mainly associated with their hormonal imbalance during menopause.

Menopausal acne: This is caused due to a natural decline in the reproductive hormones. The fluctuations that occur during menopause in terms of a decrease in estrogen levels or an increase in the androgen hormones like testosterone are responsible for menopausal acne. Unlike hormonal acne which appears during puberty on the T-zone of the face or jawline area, the menopausal acne typically covers the lower face area.

Excessive hair growth: Certain women can experience excessive hair growth during this phase.

It becomes really important to work upon the skin regimen to maintain skin health. The following are a few tips and tricks that must be followed to manage the changes that skin witnesses during menopause.

Cleansing: It is an important skin care step for aging skin. As the skin gets older, the skin becomes dry as it loses moisture and with cleanser, the skin can get the benefit of extra moisture. So, it is important to use a cleanser that's right for dry skin. Choose a creamy face wash that hydrates the skin instead of the harsh face washes which can strip moisture away.

Moisturizer: After menopause, the skin gets drier because oil glands become less active. Try to provide the skin with proper moisture with the application of heavier creams. Skip long, hot showers and put on moisturizer while the skin is still damp. Use oatmeal-based moisturizers and if the skin is extremely dry, then apply paraffin-based moisturizers.

Sun protection: Apply sunscreen every day to protect the skin against harmful UV rays. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher. This can help fade age spots, prevent new spot formation, and prevent any kind of pigmentation. Apply sunscreen whether one is indoor or outdoor. It is advised to use a physical sunscreen over chemical sunscreens as they provide better sun protection.

Night-time skin care regimen: Night creams must contain retinoids and anti-aging ingredients. Retinoids reduce fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the production of collagen and stimulating the production of new blood vessels in the skin thus improving the skin color. Retinoids also help in fading age spots and softening rough patches of the skin. However, it takes three to six months of regular use to see improvements in the wrinkles and the best results take six to twelve months. Further, if the skin is very dry then it can be mixed with moisturizers. Preferably use them during the night as they are photosensitive molecules and can hamper the skin if applied during the day.

Hyaluronic-acid based creams: This helps in combating the elastin and volume loss experienced during menopause. It adds suppleness to the skin, making it more moisturized and nourished.

Glycolic acid-based creams: Apply these creams at-least thrice a week. They will help in increasing cell turnover and help in shedding off dead skin cells and add a natural glow to the skin.

Supplements: To stop hair fall, biotin and zinc supplements can be added to the diet. Collagen supplements are also proven to be beneficial during menopause as it helps in increasing collagen production.

Antioxidants: They help in reducing free radical cell damage and also reduces oxidative stress. So, consuming antioxidants is beneficial to improve skin and body health.

Niacinamide: It is beneficial in repairing the skin barrier and helps in moisturizing the skin. Vitamin-B3 supplements can also be consumed to improve skin health.

Anti-androgen: Both men and women have natural levels of hormonal production. Too much androgen can contribute to acne by increasing oil production. These medications work by decreasing the male hormone androgen level in females. These medications should always be taken only after proper consultation and advice of an expert dermatologist after the careful examination of the skin.

Proper skin health measures followed during this phase after consultation from an expert dermatologist will always help to pass the menopausal phase with beautiful, glowing and healthy skin.

Keep Healthy! Keep Glowing!