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Lip Enhancement Treatment in Delhi

Lip enhancement is a cosmetic procedure that can make your lips fuller, plumper and give you  a perfect facial appearance. This procedure can change the structure of your lips and make it perfectly matching with your facial expressions. The volume of your lips can be enhanced to make them fuller. Procedure is very safe and popular these days. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body. Injectable dermal fillers contain substances similar to hyaluronic acid. Injectable lip enhancement techniques are quickly performed procedures using these fillers. Before the injections, the area of lips is numbed by a numbing cream. Further, a very fine needle is introduced to inject the substance into your lips. 

The common corrections sought for in lip augmentation include:
1. Volume enhancement / pout 
2. More defined lip borders
3. More hydration for smooth look of lips
4. Correction of cupids bow 
5. Elevated or horizontal lip corners, correcting drooping angels of month

While young patients commonly seek a pout, hydrated or luscious lips and creation of cupid’s bow, after the age of 40 years, creation of defined lip margins, increase in volume for thin lips and elevation or lift of drooping mouth corners are sought for.

For Lip Enhancement Treatment, Visit at Dadu Medical Centre located in Delhi, Vasant Vihar (South Delhi), Rajouri Garden (West Delhi).

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